Legislative and Regulatory Monitoring and Representation While you are hard at work taking care of your patients, practices, and businesses, NCAP is serving to represent your voice on legislative, regulatory, and other policy-related issues which impact the profession. NCAP is the sole organization that provides a collective voice for pharmacy. NCAP works with a lobbyist to carry out our advocacy agenda. Professional Development When a pharmacist takes the Oath of a Pharmacist at the time of graduation, you vow to “accept the lifelong obligation to improve (your) professional knowledge and competence”. NCAP provides diverseLIVEand ON-DEMAND continuing education programs throughout the year. We offer flexible learning opportunities that enable you to enhance your knowledge and skills, and also meet your annual license renewal requirements. In addition, we provide a number of certificate programs designed to provide in-depth skill enhancement. Our professional development programs are open to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, fellows, residents, and student pharmacists. Many of our live and on-demand programs are free to members, and for those that do require payment, the registration cost is discounted.
Event Discounts NCAP hosts an annual convention each year that includes continuing education, networking, roundtables, scientific posters, and more. The annual convention is relevant to all areas of practice. The annual convention is held in June each year. NCAP hosts a Health-System Leaders’ Summit annually, to bring together leaders from our state’s hospitals. Likewise, the Association facilitates town-hall-style meetings for our Independent Pharmacy Network. NCAP also hosts focused workshops to help pharmacists and technicians develop specific skills. Members receive significant discounts off registration for NCAP events. Individual Credit for CME-Accredited Continuing Education NCAP will co-accredit continuing medical education programs that pharmacists attend. Individuals must submit a form, along with requested documents, in order for NCAP to review, and make a decision on issuing an NC-CE number that can be used for the renewal of your NC pharmacist license. This service is FREE for NCAP members and $20/credit hour for non-members.
Practice Tools and Resources NCAP provides a number of innovative and helpful practice tools and resources for our members. Examples of available resources include a COVID-19 Testing Toolkit, an Immunization Toolkit, and an Establishing Clinical Services Toolkit. Our toolkits are designed to provide the nuts and bolts of what is needed to carry out a specific clinical-related need in your practice. Other types of resources available include grant participation opportunities for our members. NCAP grants are related to cutting-edge practice. Our members are the first to be provided with opportunities to participate.
Virtual Networking Communities NCAP supports a variety of online groups, to help support the special interests of our members. For example, we have an online community for new members, one for independent pharmacy pharmacists and technicians, student pharmacists, new practitioners, and others. Our association management system has the ability to provide an online community for any special interest group to help facilitate the networking needs of our members.
Keeping You Informed Staying current with what is happening in our profession is one of the hardest things to do. NCAP keeps members informed through a number of different types of media. Members receive access to general association news, legislative updates, and industry-related information through eNCAPsulated, our digital newsletter, published weekly. In addition, members receive access to our quarterly journal, North Carolina Pharmacist. NCAP also posts on social media platforms and uses email to send 'alerts' and 'calls to action' to keep everyone up-to-date..
Practice Academies NCAP has four practice academies for members to choose from: Ambulatory Care, Chronic Care, Community Care, and Health-System. The academies are excellent for networking with colleagues who do similar work to you. Members of each academy elect their leadership team members. The chairperson for each academy serves on the Board of Directors, helping ensure your voice and practice perspective is represented in the governance of our Association. As a part of your regular NCAP membership dues, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and student pharmacists can select to be a member of one or more practice academies.
New Practitioner Opportunities Members in the first seven years of their career as a pharmacist are automatically included in our New Practitioner Forum (NPF). NPF is a great way to meet individuals, just like you, who are starting out in their pharmacy careers. NPF sponsors a number of emerging leadership opportunities for NPF members and residents, as well as networking events to facilitate camaraderie among the newest generation of pharmacists, including our annual Residency Conference. Becoming active in NPF provides you with an opportunity to participate in activities specifically designed for new practitioners. It has been our experience that individuals who join after graduation and are involved in our NPF, often are the same individuals who go on to help lead our practice academies and other Association leadership roles.
Career Center Located on our website. Members are invited to create free “job seeker” accounts, set up automated job alerts, and post resumes. Employers can post positions and feel confident in attracting the most qualified candidate pool.
Student Loans Services In addition, NCAP recognizes that 4th-year pharmacy students generally have additional unplanned costs associated with their final year in school (egs., your car needs repairs or you need help with graduation-related expenses). Our NCAP Endowment offers a limited number of small student loans to 4th-year student members. Read More
Awards Each year, NCAP recognizes individual professional excellence during our Annual Convention. Awards are presented to individuals who have been nominated, selected by the Nominations Committee, and recommended to the Board of Directors for approval.
Discounts on Home, Travel, and Entertainment All members have access to exclusive savings on home-based services and shopping, movie tickets, theme parks, hotels, tours, Broadway and Vegas shows, and much more. In order to receive savings, you must be a member of NCAP and you can register online at Working Advantage.com. You will be prompted to create an account with your email address. To receive your promo code check "My Promo Codes" located on the member home which can be found under the home tab on the menu bar.
Our State Magazine Discount NCAP has teamed up with Our State magazine to bring our members a discount off the annual subscription rate for the premier food, entertainment, and travel magazine for all-things-North-Carolina. Whether you were born and bred here or are new to North Carolina, everyone enjoys the featured articles and photography showcasing places all across our state. To receive your promo code check "My Promo Codes" located on the member home (which can be found under the home tab on the menu bar) and Go to OurState.com to subscribe.
Financial Services The Gidley Group, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, provides comprehensive financial planning and investment management services for individuals and families. The Gidley Group offers members of the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists a complimentary financial assessment for their financial planning needs. Whether you are just starting out in your career, contemplating retirement, or somewhere in between, we know our members will find this personal service to be beneficial.
Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Committed to the pharmacy profession, endorsed partner Pharmacists Mutual works closely with state and national pharmacy associations. Pharmacists Mutual can provide up to a 30% discount to members on disability insurance and offers a complete range of professional, business, and personal insurance products and services. For a listing of products and services offered Visit Pharmacists Mutual or call 800.247.5930
Ambulatory Care Pharmacists LinkedIn Group - Do you work in the ambulatory care practice setting? If so, this group is for you! Join your colleagues on LinkedIn and stay updated on events, news, and developments in your field. We need as many ambulatory care practitioners to join the group and contribute to the conversation. If you would like to join, visit the group at: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12957272/
UNC ESOP SURVEY ON METHADONE ACCESS. Please be on the lookout for a timely survey on methadone access at community pharmacies that will be sent by Delesha Carpenter from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy on (3/7/25) to community pharmacists who are currently practicing in NC. If you do not see the survey, it may be in your “other” tab in Outlook or in your junk mail. Otherwise, you may not have received the survey because eligibility was limited to active NC pharmacists working at independent and chain pharmacies. Please email the study coordinator (Caroline Shubel: [email protected]) with any questions related to the survey.