Welcome to the Hormonal Contraception Toolkit!
This toolkit is designed to enhance NCAP's 2022 Hormonal Contraception Training and assist pharmacists in developing services that meet both statutory and NCBOP rules to legally administer hormonal contraceptives.
NCAP would like to extend its appreciation to the following individuals for their contributions and extensive work in the development of this Hormonal Contraception Toolkit.
Mollie Scott PharmD, BCACP CPP FASHP Regional Associate Dean UNC Eschelman School of Pharmacy
Anna Pfeiffer, PharmD Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Academic Fellow UNC Eschelman School of Pharmacy
Rachel Selinger PharmD, BCACP, CPP, CDCES Clinical Pharmacist, Campus Health Pharmacy Site Coordinator, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy PGY-1 Community-based Pharmacy Residency Program Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Education, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Amanda Savage Clinical Assistant Professor UNC Eschelman School of Pharmacy